1. 人生苦短,闹钟一响,我与床难舍难分。Life is short. When the alarm clock rings, I find it hard to part with the bed.
2. 踩着自己的节奏,走自己的路,让别人的出租车跟在后面吃灰吧!Follow your own rhythm, walk your own way, and let others' taxis follow behind and eat dust!
3. 周一到周四:梦想中的“改天”遥不可及;周五:下周?那又是另一个轮回的开始。Monday to Thursday: The "another day" in the dream is far away; Friday: Next week? That's the beginning of another cycle.
4. 别说我懒,我只是在等那股能让我飞起来的风,到时候你连我的影子都追不上。Don't say I'm lazy. I'm just waiting for the wind that can make me fly. Then you won't even be able to catch my shadow.
5. 茫茫人海,咱俩能撞上,不是缘分,是眼神不好。In the vast sea of people, it's not fate but poor eyesight that we bump into each other.
6. 自从开启了“呆萌模式”,生活处处是惊喜(吓)!Since I've turned on the "dull and cute mode", life is full of surprises (scares)!
7. 咱俩是绝配,我笑你哭,生活就这样“笑中带泪”。We are a perfect match. I laugh and you cry, and life is just like "laughing with tears".
8. 黑夜对熬夜者特别关照,附赠“青春”印记——痘痘一枚。The night shows special care to those who stay up late, presenting a "youth" mark - a pimple.
9. 与其为难自己,不如放过自己。Instead of making things difficult for yourself, it's better to let yourself go.